Claire's Artwork

Monday, February 18, 2013


Hello Everyone!  I'm sorry to say that I haven't been blogging as much as I should.  I've recently switched to using Instagram and Tumblr.  Those two social media outlets are A LOT easier to use.  I shall post my Instagram and Tumblr addresses below.  This will be my final post on this blog.  It's been fun, but I think we need a change in scenery.  If you would like to see more artwork, just follow me on Instagram and Tumblr. Thanks for being so amazing about following my blog like you have.  I'll see ya soon!


-Claire S.

Instagram Address:  clairelovesart

   Tumblr Address:

Duck Dynasty

Duck Dynasty!  I love this show so much!  It's hilarious.  If you haven't checked this show out you definitely should!